Welcome on this site

This site is the documentation and archive of the activities of Pieter Verhees.

I like to work on cross-over projects between theatre-art-newmedia and technology. For others and for myself. Doing this for several years now has lead to a diversity of projects until now. A continuing search definitly not ended yet...










I am fascinated by our digital technology which enables us to manipulate everything that is visible, audible and sensible. My curiousity is unstoppable concerning to where all this leads us. On this website I'll try to report about my search.

In my projects I meet a lot of inspiring, unique and driven people whith a diversity of backgrounds. Using this website I hope to make crosslinks to them and a create a place where I can get rid of my introvert attitude (I prefer to work instead of talk): to encounter others. So take your advantage if you can...

Check the menu's if there is anything interesting for you. If you need extra information, have a questions or a remark about whatever, don't hesitate to let me know. Take the "contact" tab at the top of this site....you're welcome.






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